5.12: Haunted Shadowwood Estate

Shadowwood Estate is a large two-and-a-half-story, five-bay Colonial Revival-style brick dwelling built for Colonel Eugene C. Wharf in 1917. This house and its land are known for their Civil War legends and unsettling encounters. The home has long been rumored to be haunted. So sit back, relax, and get comfortable as we unravel Shadowwood’s haunted past and explore its ghostly lore.


Haunted Indiana by Mark Marimen.  Part III Ghosts Around The House.  The Ghostly Colonel of Shadowwood.  p. 45

“Shadowwood.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadowwood. Accessed 30 October 2024.

Steimel, Jeff, and Wagner Lake. “Hauntings within Indiana.” This is Indiana, https://thisisindiana.angelfire.com/indianahauntings.htm. Accessed 30 October 2024.