Episode 4: The Wolfman of Versailles

In the episode, we discuss the legend of Silas Schimmerhorn who locals called the "Wolfman of Versailles."

Source Materials:

Hoosier Mountain Bike Association. “First Ride At VSP.” Hoosier Mountain Bike Association Message Board. https://www.hmba.org/smf/index.php?topic=10551.0

Indiana Department of Natural Resources. DNR: Versailles State Park, www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2963.htm.

Marimen, Mark. Haunted Indiana. Thunder Bay Press, 1997.

MasonryToday.com. “Today in Masonic History - John Hunt Morgan Is Born.” https://www.masonrytoday.com/index.php?new_month=6&new_day=1&new_year=2015

“Our Town's Rich History.” Town of Versailles. https://townofversailles.com/about-us/history

Willis, Wanda Lou. Haunted Hoosier Trails: a Guide to Indiana's Famous Folklore Spooky Sites. Clerisy Press, 2002.